5 Bad Writing Habits You Need To Stop Doing Now!

Some writing habits are hard to get rid of, and you might have observed some of these errors in your writing test during your PTE online review. Remember that writing styles can be changed and improved. So do not feel bad if you are having low ratings now because, with more experience, you can be better.

To help you recognize your bad writing habits, here are some errors that you might have done in your writing. Continue reading “5 Bad Writing Habits You Need To Stop Doing Now!”

PTE How Tos: How to Compose Compound Words

Want to make sure your writing looks excellent during your PTE online training? If so, then you must be careful in using compound words because simple errors in your writing can immediately turn off your readers and will not fare well with your examiners. A problem you may have encountered that gives most students headaches when writing is whether or not to write compounds as separate words, one word, or hyphenated. Continue reading “PTE How Tos: How to Compose Compound Words”

PTE by the Numbers: Getting Intimate with the PTE Part 1

Your PTE training will be incomplete if you don’t get to familiarize yourself, intimately, with the PTE Test Format. Being knowledgeable of all the bits and pieces of the exam has its advantages. Knowing the test format will… Continue reading “PTE by the Numbers: Getting Intimate with the PTE Part 1”

PTE Review Center Tips: 3 TV Series You Need to See

Preparing for a life-changing exam like the PTE is serious business. Most test-takers will invest in a reputable PTE review center take classes to refresh their knowledge of grammar and boost their confidence to ace the exam. Continue reading “PTE Review Center Tips: 3 TV Series You Need to See”

PTE Baguio Writing Tips How to Use Indefinite Pronouns

Are you having a hard time constructing clear and concise essays? Aside from maximizing your study and joining a group study, it is vital to find a great writing tip that you can utilize in your PTE review preparation. For instance, check out these simple guidelines on how to use indefinite pronouns in essays. Continue reading “PTE Baguio Writing Tips How to Use Indefinite Pronouns”

8 PTE Manila Review Tips for Writing Task 1: Summarize Written Text

Constructing clear and concise sentences plays an important role in the PTE Writing Test: Summarize Written Text. For this PTE writing task, you will need to write a summary of a passage in one sentence. You will have 10 minutes to construct your summary in a full, single sentence of no more than 75 words. Continue reading “8 PTE Manila Review Tips for Writing Task 1: Summarize Written Text”

8 PTE Review Center Tips for the Writing Section

The PTE Writing Section is divided into two parts and measures your writing skills in terms of how good you are in using appropriate words and phrases, constructing sentences, and sticking to the given topic. Here are the two writing tasks: Continue reading “8 PTE Review Center Tips for the Writing Section”

8 PTE Review Center Tips for the Reading Section

Do you want to get a high band score in the PTE Reading Section? Aside from enrolling in a PTE review center, attending study groups and using various note-taking techniques, it is also beneficial to look for the best test-taking strategies that can help develop your learning abilities as well as your reading comprehension. To help you achieve this, read and follow these eight amazing tips for the PTE Reading Sub-test. Continue reading “8 PTE Review Center Tips for the Reading Section”

What to Keep in Mind when Expanding Your English Vocab

Building up your English vocabulary for PTE shouldn’t just be about memorizing as many words as you can. It should also be about mastering their usage. Here are two other things that you need to keep in mind when expanding your vocab during your PTE review. Continue reading “What to Keep in Mind when Expanding Your English Vocab”

7 Things That Can Keep You from Achieving PTE Success

Don’t sabotage your chances of achieving PTE success. Avoid doing the following things during your test preparations to supercharge your test performance. Continue reading “7 Things That Can Keep You from Achieving PTE Success”